How to feel confident that information in BSL accurately reflects the English content:
- The translator should be qualified to deliver this work as a Registered Sign Language Translator (RSLT).
- They need to be fluent in both British Sign Language (BSL) and English, both at Level 6 of the National Language Standards.
- They should be formally registered as RSLT (Registered Sign Language Translator) with the National Register of Communication Professionals Working with Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD) - you can check their individual details on the NRCPD website or ask to see their NRCPD ID card.
- They should have professional membership of either the Association of Sign Language Interpreters (ASLI) or Visual Language Professionals (VLP).
- They should have Public Indemnity Insurance.
- Ask your Deaf colleagues for feedback - can they follow what is being signed?
- Ask for testimonials from previous clients.
The National Register of Communication Professionals Working with Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD) is a registration body to safeguard BSL users of Language Service Professionals. Registration requires Language Service Professionals to have gained a relevant qualification, ongoing Continued Professional Development (CPD), Professional Indemnity Insurance, a current DBS and members must follow the NRCPD Code of Conduct.
View the English text translated into British Sign Language (BSL)