I am profoundly Deaf and have worked with, and for, Deaf and Deafblind people for over 25 years at a local, regional, national and international level. My first job was as a Research Psychologist working with Deaf adults and children in mental health. I then moved into preventative mental health working with Deaf children and their families promoting emotional literacy, resilience and personal and social development. My next step was operational management for a regional Deaf organisation overseeing Residential and Day Services, Youth Services, and Training and Development. After a secondment to a University Deaf Studies department, I moved to North Wales and returned to working with families who wanted to learn to sign with their Deaf children and developing and delivering a Family Sign Language “Training the Trainers” UK-wide programme with a national Deaf organisation. During this time I also trained as a teacher and delivered BSL-related courses at different levels to various audiences including FE, HE and in the community. I also gained my RSLT status and Deafblind qualifications in order to develop a freelance portfolio to offer my services as a Registered Sign Language Translator, Deafblind Communicator, and a trainer/teacher.
View the English text translated into British Sign Language (BSL)